Monday, April 4, 2016

Spring Brake 

Spring Brake was fun I got to go play out side 
I got to play with my brother alot 
I got to go for alot of car rides 
Time behind the wheel two hours I got 
Took a long tour of chaffee county 
Chuck said that I like to dive really fast 
When driving I look out for the bounty 
The big trucks on the road I sped right past 
I learned to back up and alot more stuff 
The winds blow my car from side to side 
Sometime driving on windy roads is tough 
When my brother asks for a ride I hide 
When I drive I like to take my dads truck 
When I drive fast I have alot of luck 

The wind sounds like spring 
you can hear birds singing songs 
I like the sound spring 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

                                               Texas Chain Saws Massacre Journey For The Crystal Skull          

        In the deep dark woods of Topeaka Kansas the Chain Saw Massacre was walking to town one day and his friend Jeepers
Creeper walked up to him and said in a horrifying voice there is a legend that there is a Crystal Skull lurking in the mountains here in Kansas. But the legend says that it is protected by spirit guards and they were trained very well but now I don’t know if they are. But I will see if the legend is still true I will come back at 12:00 A.M. at your house in the deep dark woods to tell you what I find out what news I get in return. Then the Chain Saw Massacre said OK. Then when 12:00 hit he heard big wings flapping then there was a knock at the door so the Chain Saw Massacre answers the door and Jeepers Creeper had surprise in his eyes and said well my good old friend the legend is still true. So the Massacre decided to go find the Crystal skull so he packed all of his weapons to get ready for his big journey in the morning. When the sun was up and hot he hoped into his 1972 Grand Torino and raced to the mountain for this mysterious treasure.   

When the massacre reached the mountain were the crystal skull was held at the massacre looked up over a ridge to the cave he seen over a thousand security guards that was at the cave so he thought to himself how am going to through all them guards by the cave then he said to himself what if throw my ninja stars at one guards just to see what the will all do so he throw one and it hit 800 guards then he started to run to the cave then he pulled out his scorpion hand knife and ripped two guards in half and he started his chain saw and cut the guards into tiny pieces. When he stepped into the cave and walked for a long time he got so upset that he would not find his treasure that his friend told him about while they was in town talking about it. But he realized that he took the wrong turn to the crystal skull when he took the right turn he found what he was looking for he was so happy he found his treasure. Then he was thinking to himself what should I do with this thing then he said I guess I can take it home and show my friend.

When the massacre reached home he called his friend to come over and look what he got from the cave that you told me about. So his friend said I will be over in 13 min. then the massacre said ok I will be outside waiting for you then. Then the massacre heard his friend coming when he landed and he said what you have to show his fine night I got the crystal skull and Jeepers Creeper said well can I hold it to see if it is real or not the massacre said yes you can. Then he was looking at the skull really close and looked at the massacre and said well I hate to tell you this but it is fake it’s just a plastic skull then the massacre said so I did all that hard work for nothing who told you about this treasure that turns up to be fake. Jeepers Creeper said my brother why. The Massacre said well I was going to kill him but I am not because you are a great friend of mine so I am not going to do that to you and your family but I am going to fight you for not telling me about it being fake.

The two friends had a really big fright over the crystal skull so the massacre killed his best friend by punching him so heard his head fly’s through the air and lands 10,000 yard from where they was standing. Then after the fight the massacre felt something cold run down his back so felt down his back and he noticed that he got stabbed in his back and it was so deep that it was close to his spinal cord and he said to himself if I pull this out I will be crippled for the rest of my life but if I leave the knife in my back I will just be in a lot of pain so instead of being in pain he pulled the knife out and collapsed instantly but that night he made a with that all of the things he did to and when he said that today and when he said that a shooting stair went shooting down. That morning he got up and he was walking again then he heard a knock on the front door so he answers he door to see who it is it his good friend Jeepers Creepers     


Jeepers Creepers          The Massacre